April 17, 2023 Workshifts - To Begin or Not To Begin by Farmer Derek
Primary shaping some raised beds in March, an eventual home to lettuces, herbs, chard, and beets.
Thanks to our current wonderful, hardworking, and diligent farmer crew (Gabby, Connor, Adeline) we're presently keeping up with all farm work, though very soon we may not be able to. Typically around May 1st crops and weeds begin an accelerated growth phase and occupied field space is large enough that we need additional hands. Rest assured, there will be plenty of opportunities to help out and satisfy the work requirement for your share discount (if you signed up for that option). There will be 3-5 workshifts each week from May through October. We'll send out a bulletin e-mail when shifts are posted.
Sixteen hundred pounds of seed potatoes nestled in their beds.