March 6, 2019
Some Sad News
by Farmer Derek
Our beloved farm dog Borchie passed away at the end of February. Borchie was a resident of Anchor Run Farm for 10 years. He's greatly missed and good memories of him are everywhere. He loved being outside with us and was a wonderful member of our family. I couldn't imagine a better farm dog. We're thankful we were able to enjoy 10 years of his company. Here's to you, buddy.
March 4, 2019
Slowly Exiting Winter
by Farmer Derek
Consistent with the past few years, we've welcomed one of the winter season's biggest snowfalls in March. This week we'll also endure another blast of cold winter temperatures but at least sunshine will return after a 3-4 day absence. Fortunately much of our time will be spent in the in-between indoor/outdoor world of greenhouses and high tunnels where it's a bit warmer and reasonably protected from whatever weather is going on outside.
Last week the 2019 growing season officially began in the greenhouse where we sowed approximately 63,636 seeds into 35,838 cells on 189 transplant trays, all lined up tidy and neat in our small heated greenhouse. We need some daytime sunshine to warm up the tunnel and invigorate the sleeping seeds to wake up and begin their programmed march towards the sun. So many future crops are crammed into such a small space that it could evoke a large feeling of worry and anxiety while we wonder if they'll successfully shed their slumber, but year in and year out we've learned that when properly taken care of and given the right conditions, we can expect a high percent of successful germination.
In the greenhouse there are several variables that we can control: high and low temperatures because we can add heat or open shutters and fans to whisk it away; moisture because we manually water; depth of those seeds in the soil medium because we hand sow; and whether or not the seeds see the light because some require sunshine to germinate (lettuces, chicories, some flowers and herbs). After farming at Anchor Run for ten years and tweaking and adjusting some variables we've almost perfectly figured out how to always successfully germinate our crops. We start practically all of our crops from seed so it is vitally important for us to do it exactly right. Later in the season when excess heat is an issue we put many flats under shade cloth and even put others in an air conditioned produce storage room (such as spinach).
Exactly what food items were sown last week (to name a few)? 25,000 onions; 3,100 spinach; 1,800 beets; 2,000 broccoli (new spring item!); 650 fennel; 3,000 kale; 2,000 kohlrabi; 1,000 heads of lettuce; 10,000 lettuces for mix; 1,000 celery; and 1,000 radicchio. This week we sowed 21,000 snow peas and another round of a few thousand lettuces and chicories.
Besides seeding in the greenhouse, we also put the finishing touches on our crop plan and crop rotation. Rotating crops according to their plant families helps us attempt to thwart pest and disease pressures while also assuming that each crop requires slightly different soil nutrient needs with a slightly different uptake of those nutrients. Thus, moving crops around should provide a balance. Our goal is a minimum of a 3-year rotation for the plant families that occupy a large portion of our growing space (brassica - kale, broccoli, arugula, cabbage, etc; nightshade - tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplant, etc; aster - lettuce, chicory; amaranth - beets, spinach, chard, etc). For most other crops its fairly easy to see a 5+ year rotation because they occupy much less space. We also rotate U-Pick crops back and forth between Field 1 and Fields 4/5/6. It's kind of like putting pieces of a multidimensional puzzle together in time and space along with other variables to consider like soil moisture. It makes for a good wintertime activity.
March 3, 2019
Wild For Salmon Buying Club
by Farmer Dana
If you like to eat fish and want to buy it from a sustainable source, consider supporting Wild For Salmon. They catch wild sockeye salmon in the pristine waters of Bristol Bay, Alaska, each summer. Besides offering their salmon, they also partner with other fishermen to bring their catch to eastern Pennsylvania. Wild For Salmon is a family owned business based out of Bloomsburg, PA. Owners Jen and Steve have been fishing in Alaska for a couple of decades.
Around three times each year we host a buying club. You order what you'd like from their website and it gets delivered to our farm where you pick it up. Coordinating orders this way by buying in larger quantities brings the price down a bit.
The next scheduled delivery is Wednesday, March 20th, 3-7pm (Equinox and Full Moon). Place your order by March 18th.
March 3, 2019
Insulated Bags For Produce Pick Up
by Farmer Dana
CSA member Hansa Shah is interested in coordinating a bulk buy of insulated bags to safely get produce home to the fridge. If ordered in a large enough quantity the price will be around $14 instead of the $25 shown on Amazon. If you're interested, please contact Hansa ( To view the bag on Amazon, click here, but do not purchase there for the discount.
March 3, 2019
Introducing Farm Staff
by Farmer Dana
A month or so ago we reported that we have a great farm crew to assist in growing your produce this year! Pat and Craig return for their 3rd and 2nd seasons, respectively, while we welcome newcomers Haley Diener and Jacob Zuklic. Jacob and Haley come with experience, enthusiasm, and a passion for growing organic healthy food and will help Anchor Run succeed this year. Haley was introduced in our last newsletter; meet Jacob below. You can always check out your farmers' brief biographies
"A love of good food and playing in the dirt has led Jacob to farming, and now Anchor Run. He got started at a dairy and produce CSA farm in Wisconsin and spent the last two years helping grow veggies at a small scale, 'market garden-style' farm in central PA. He's glad to be part of the Anchor Run community and looks forward to meeting everyone."