September 1, 2019
A few Crop Notes
By Linda Dansbury
Summer crops are transitioning to fall - think greens, potatoes, etc..., so I am sure your cooking recipes and methods are starting to change as well.
A couple notes on crops you are receiving:
Garlic - is now cured and can be stored at room temperature - a cool, dark place is best for keeping the garlic for a while.
Potatoes - don't worry about the small blemishes/holes - they are delicious potatoes and the red ones we just received keep their pink inner color when cooked, making them so pretty for potato salads for your Labor Day cookouts. Store in a cool, dark place, away from onions for longest storage, but keep in mind that some of our potatoes, including the redskin ones are not meant for long term storage.
Onions - these small beauties are meant to be stored in the fridge - they will keep for weeks.
Butternut squash - if you take one with a blemish, use it fairly quickly so it doesn't go bad. If there is no blemish, they can be stored in a cool, dark place for quite awhile - but check your storage crops on a weekly basis so you don't lose them to rotting.