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October 18, 2020
Bok Choy and Radicchio
By Linda Dansbury
We will see these 2 yummy greens in our shares within the next week or 2. These are both very nutritious and delicious. The bok choy will store for 1-2 weeks in plastic in the fridge. It is delicate, meaning it bruises easily when crowded, so handle it gently so it keeps better. We have several recipes on this site - Spicy Shrimp and Bok Choy Soup Bowl and Roasted Bok Choy are among my favorites. It can also be used in any saute, the stems add a nice crunchiness.
Radicchio is one of those veggies a lot of people think is too bitter. I have to let you know that the varieties the farm grows are much more mild than radicchio I have had from the grocery stores. There are some techniques that help tame the bitter taste: grilling the veggie after cutting it in half or quarters helps almost sweeten the greens. Mixing it with cheese such as in the Escarole, Radicchio and Arugula Salad, or braising it with other veggies, such as escarole helps tame these greens as well.
Enjoy your greens!
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