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November 22, 2015
Cold Heading Our Way
By Derek McGeehan
The deepest cold of the season thus far is forecast for early this week, followed by a return to above average temperatures. It will be interesting to observe what the actual low bottoms out at here at the farm; normally we're below the forecasted low. We will also be wondering if the next magical temperature threshold will be passed - about 25 degrees - where mildly sensitive cold hardy crops with a higher water content are damaged. I think they'll be okay. Soon it will be December and by then only the toughest and strongest should survive anyway. Plus, having a reduced footprint to think and worry about is always a slight relief.
I'm still measuring rainfall at the farm, which feels rare for this late in the season. I normally cease when we either begin to receive snow and/or frequent heavy frost or I mentally feel tractor work is completed for the season. I must still be holding out for some final flail mowing and light tillage of some fall crops to either break up the pest cycle or get a jump on spring growing. That last part I really don't want to fully acknowledge now because it is way too early to begin thinking about the next growing season. Of course pretty soon we will fully embrace planning and preparing for next year by buying seeds, ordering supplies, updating our crop rotation and planting schedules, as well as finalizing our CSA plans and employment needs. For now, though, we're thankful for the 1.2 inches of rainfall, bright starry night skies, drying wind, continued harvests, and of course family time. Happy Thanksgiving!
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