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October 31, 2021
Fall Cabbage
By Linda Dansbury
View from the top of Field 1.
Cabbage should be a part of the share either this week or next. As you know, it stores really well, so you can save it for a few weeks - as with other greens, make sure the head isn't sitting in a puddle of water in the storage bag.
Looking for something new to do with cabbage? Try sauteing it in a pan with butter and olive oil. Slice it very thin as you would for cole slaw. Heat butter and olive oil in a large pan. If you want you can add onions or leeks and/or thyme to the pan along with the cabbage. Saute over medium heat, turning every so often until slightly browned. Add salt and pepper and enjoy. The reaction that happens in the pan actually sweetens the cabbage, The bite will be gone and you are left with a delicious side dish.
Combine the cabbage with some of the other fall veggies for delicious slaws - veggies that are great to use include kohlrabi, turnips, radishes and bok choy.
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