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December 10, 2017
Farmer Food - Easy and Tasty Ideas for You
by Dana Hunting
Red mizunas and lettuce mix - all fall and winter long!
Here are some ways we enjoyed our produce this past week:
  • Cabbage, leeks, potatoes, sausage: into a 4-quart cast iron dutch oven pot went bacon fat*, leeks, cabbage, potatoes, and sausage*; cooked until soft/done. Prep time was about a 1/2-hour, cook time was about 45-minutes.
  • Soup using cabbage and miscellaneous roots: used a 12-quart stock pot so we would have leftovers for several days; while 3 quarts of chicken stock thawed and melted in the pot Derek chopped and threw right in: sweet potatoes, daikon radishes, celeriac, garlic, kohlrabi, leeks, turnips, cabbage, and a frozen habenero; also added a 2.5 pound beef roast* that we thawed in warm water and cubed; filled pot almost to the brim, brought to a boil, then simmered on low heat until soft and cooked. Prep time was about 1/2-hour, cook time was about 45-minutes.
  • Lettuce/greens mix: salads and smoothies.
  • Kale, onions, frozen sweet peppers, and frozen tomatoes: Chopped and cooked and had over pasta.
* meat from Ledamete Grass Farm and Hershberger Heritage Farm, eggs from our hens, cheese from Birchwood Farm and Dairy.
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