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August 14, 2016
Heat Surviving Veggies
By Derek McGeehan
Harvest #14 (Week B) should include spaghetti winter squash, tomatoes, sweet peppers, eggplant, carrots, fresh onions, fresh garlic, potatoes, lettuce, scallions, okra, and hot peppers. Some items may be a choice. U-pick should include green beans, edamame, cherry tomatoes, husk cherries, tomatillos, dill, cilantro, parsley, basil, perennial herbs, and a flower bouquet.
Ripe hot peppers arrive this week. This year we have 7 varieties to choose from. Shown bottom L-R are jalapeno (medium), habanero (super spicy), hungarian hot wax (mild-medium), and shishito (very mild). On the basket L-R are capperino cherry (medium), poblano/ancho (mild), and cayenne (spicy). Seeds are notoriously more spicy!
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