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November 13, 2022
Herb of the Week: Cilantro
by Gia Yaccarino
A time for work, a time for play.
Cilantro (Coriandrum sativum L)
  • Cilantro is an herb which people tend to either love or hate! There is a genetic cause for those who hate it and say it tastes like soap! They usually possess a mutation on gene OR6A2 (SNP single nucleotide polymorphisms) on the 11th chromosome that detects the aldehyde part of cilantro.
  • Improve skin health
  • Lower blood sugar
  • Good for brain health and may even improve memory!
  • Used in many Mexican and Thai recipes
  • Add to a salad
  • Add to rice
  • Add to a soup
  • Those with low blood sugar should be aware of how much cilantro they consume
Safe for Cats: Yes
Safe for Dogs: Yes
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