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August 27, 2022
Incoming Fall Flavors
by Farmer Derek
Pumpkins meant for eating will be in shares for a week or two. Healthy brassicas in the background. Photo courtesy of Farmer Sarah.
Harvest #15 (Week A) should include potatoes, pie pumpkins, leeks, cantaloupe, beets, garlic, sweet peppers, tomatoes, arugula, swiss chard, kale, lettuce, herbs, eggplant, italian dandelion, zucchini, cucumbers, hot peppers, okra, shishito peppers, and scallions. Some items will be a choice. U-pick should include a handful of herbs, husk cherries, cherry tomatoes, tomatillos, edamame, and flowers. As you've probably noticed, the flower patch hasn't fared well during this extended period of dry weather. Our sincere apologies, we could not find the time to add water when it was most needed.
Farmer Sarah loading pumpkins on our currently un-trusty farm truck. After having not wanted to start for a couple of weeks, the truck decided to fire up for us when we needed it most, hauling thousands of pounds of winter squash and pumpkins to the barn last week. Another round of temperamental behavior left it idle in the fields for a couple of days following. Photo courtesy of Farmer Gabby.
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