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May 16, 2021
Pick Up Days, Times, and Time Slots
by Farmer Dana
Mondays, 1-8pm
Thursdays, 1-8pm
Saturdays, 10am–12pm
We sent an email earlier this week reminding you of your designated pick up day and week (for half shares). Please email us if you did not receive it.
If you need to switch your pick up day and/or week temporarily, please email us by 5pm the Sunday prior to the week of the change.
To help moderate the flow of people in and out of the farm, we are having members sign up for pick up time slots again this year. You need to be logged in to sign up (log in here). Navigate to the calendar. Click on the person/plus symbol next to the time slot hour you wish to sign up for. The page will refresh. A plus button will then be next to your name. Click it once. Page refreshes. If you signed up successfully a trash can and another plus button will appear (this other plus button is for adding another name to the list but is only used for workshift sign ups).
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