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News and Notes | The Anchor Run Blog

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May 22, 2022
Pick Up Essentials
by Farmer Dana
Lettuce mix in the Hoop Tunnel.
- BYO baskets/bags/boxes, to bring your harvest home. Sometimes we have donated shopping bags on hand to pack your shares in, but sometimes we don’t! (Also, our produce is not packaged in any way, so bringing your own bags is important if you want produce kept separate within a larger container. This is a big part of how we play a part in reducing plastic use. One lovely member last year let us know that their plastic waste is reduced by half when they are picking up shares from the farm - great news!)
- Check off your name on the sign-in sheet before collecting your share from the barn. Organized by share size and alphabetically by last name.
- Follow harvest amounts written on the chalk boards labeled with your share size (full, half, medium).
- If you need help with anything please feel free to ask a Farm Staffer in the barn for help at anytime!
- Parking is available in the large stone lot at the end of the driveway. Parking next to the barn is available for people with physical challenges and for cars with sleeping kids.
- Driveway speed limit is 10 mph! This is for farm safety, please do not exceed that speed limit or you may be chased down by farmers with pitchforks and a gentle reminder.
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