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August 14, 2022
by Farmer Derek
Sunrise in North Carolina.
A big shout out, feeling of gratitude, appreciation, super large THANK YOU to our crew for taking care of the farm this past week!
We're now feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Frolicking in the surf, viewing ocean and shore dwelling species, paddling to our hearts' content, ignoring the world-at-large, was just enough playtime. We're excited to buckle down and hustle through the final month of summer. Plant growth, both the wanted and unwanted kind, is at the end of peak growth. Weeds, particularly, are growing quickly and trying their best to set seed to continue their genetic line. This coming week we'll try our best using our toolkit to subdue these foes and tidy up the place. After this last gasp, germination of summer weeds like amaranth and galinsoga ends, our main competitors this time of year. Wanted summer crops like zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, and eggplant are slowing down somewhat, especially during this respite from hot weather, but also because diseases that plague these crops are slowly getting a foothold. Peppers this year are perplexing. We're harvesting a ton, but there are a lot of culls in the field due to blemishes on the fruit. We've never seen them suffer this much but overall yield is adequate. Every time we harvest we have to do a thorough fruit check. Ripening fruit are especially hard hit by the annoying blight. Tomatoes, on the other hand, have been awesome (and backbreakingly heavy). Moving tomato production inside was one of the best decisions (and investments) we've ever made. They've peaked but should be around for another month or so. In September we'll have to begin preparing the tunnels for fall lettuces and other greens and bid farewell to the 2022 tomato harvest. Before we know it the Fall Equinox and the glory of Autumn will be here.
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