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August 11, 2019
Upcoming Events: Potlucks and a Farm Tour
by Farmer Dana

More misty morning majestic sunflowers.
  • Wednesday, August 14th, 6-8pm at Anchor Run Farm: Bucks County Foodshed Alliance and Buy Fresh Buy LocalĀ® Bucks County announce the 2019 series of popular farm evenings that introduce consumers to the local small-scale producers who put the freshest foods onto our tables via direct sales, community-supported agriculture operations (CSAs), farmers markets, farm stands, and other venues. The farm evenings include a potluck dinner and a tour of the farm.
  • Saturday, August 17th, 5-8pm: Potluck in the pavilion. Meet and mingle with your farmers and other CSA members. Bring a dish to share, your own place settings, and a beverage of your choice. The meal should be followed by a small fire and perhaps even live music. S'mores anyone?
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