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June 25, 2017
U-pick Tips
By Linda Dansbury
The u-pick flower garden is located in Field #1 this season, along with beans, edamame, cherry tomatoes, peas, strawberries, blackberries, and some annual herbs.
By now you have had at least a few trips to the u-pick field. Before we know it, the main u-pick season will be upon us in which u-pick can take an hour or more so I thought I would provide a few tips to help your enjoyment.
1. Wear appropriate shoes - sometimes where we are picking the ground is very uneven and has some weed pressure - flip flops, although nice and cool, may not be study enough when trying to pick certain crops.
2. Wear hats, sunscreen, sunglasses, etc to protect yourself and your children from the scorching sun. And bring/drink plenty of water!
3. Be aware of ticks and other bugs that are typically found in a natural setting. Check yourself for ticks when you get home or before bedtime.
4. Bring your scissors, and especially when cutting herbs like basil, be careful not to cut to the bottom of the plant - cut just above where another shoot can sprout so that the crop will last longer for all.
5. On hot days, if you are able, do your u-pick in the morning or evening. Not only will it be more comfortable for you, but the plants will not be as wilted so what you pick will be in its best condition.
6. Please bring the containers back to the barn. It is best to bring the size container you need to measure your u-pick and when you are finished, put your alottment into another container and return the "measuring container" back to the barn.
Have fun out there!
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