August 27, 2017
Workshifts Scheduled for Week of 8/27/17
By Derek McGeehan
Direct seeded watermelon radish, purple daikon, white daikon, and hakurei turnips just coming up as a farm gnome and a farm dog look on.
We're past the halfway point of the season for work hour opportunities. Workshifts will be scheduled through October but frequency will diminish in September. If you still need to work your pledged hours please consider signing up for a workshift soon. If you'd rather contribute financially to cover the work hour cost of your share please do so soon so that we can plan accordingly. E-mail us at if you have any questions.
Workshifts this week:
Wednesday 8/30 9-11am
Wednesday 8/30 5:30-7:30pm
Friday 9/1 9-11am
Sunday 9/3 7-9am
Workshift sign-up instructions may be found
Thank you!