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Workshift Sign Up Instructions
Here's how to sign up for workshifts and satisfy your work requirement for the share discount (and lend a hand in feeding our community)!
Users must first log in to sign up for work shifts.
Select "Calendar" from the "Our Community" drop down menu at the top of the page. Or, on your member page, under "Workshifts and Other Events," click on "Go to Calendar."
Click / tap the icon next to the shift you are interested in working. A list of those associated with your share appears.
Click / tap the icon next to the name of each person working the shift.
A box appears around the name of the each person who is signed up. Next to the name, a icon appears to remove the name if necessary, and a icon appears to allow the person who has signed up to add a guest.
When the shift leader logs the hours you have worked into our system, the hours will appear on your member page.
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